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Jangan Sepelekan Telur Ayam Kampung

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhXEfbUY7upM310E2O3mZ1bj0gRqS8VfTnOPY0llknXCd8X4DjkJojKhtWgRFSv_a2qENjl4mdNy0QuqwGZ_ueL9nmxydikE1lR-tvM3Hdt3lQ2UbJ_xptQoH26aHGk74qKIFTu32pFyKE/s1600/resep-easy-recipes-001.gifBila Anda penggemar "mata sapi" atau "telur ceplok", sebaiknya Anda memilih telur ayam kampung sebagai telurnya. Kenapa? Karena ternyata kandungan gizi dalam telur ayam kampung lebih tinggi dan lebih menyehatkan daripada telur ayam ras yang biasa dikonsumsi selama ini. Hal ini sudah dibuktikan oleh para peneliti dari Pennsylvania State University, dimana mereka menyimpulkan bahwa nutrisi esensial yang ada pada telur ayam kampung jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan telur ayam ras. Kadar vitamin E dan Omega-3 yang terdapat dalam telur ayam kampung lebih banyak, yakni lebih kurang dua kali lipatnya. Kita tahu bahwa zat tersebut sangat baik untuk meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh, menyehatkan jantung, meningkatkan fungsi penglihatan dan kecerdasan.

Kuning telur yang terdapat dalam telur ayam kampung juga mengandung zat lecithin dimana bersama omega-3 tersebut bermanfaat dalam menyeimbangkan kadar kolesterol dan lemak jenuh dalam tubuh. Dan bagi Anda penderita kolesterol tinggi, sebaiknya memilih telur ayam kampung sebagai menu pilihan. Ini karena kandungan kolesterol ayam kampung sepertiga lebih sedikit dibandingkan pada telur ayam ras.

Dan yang lebih mengejutkan, beta karoten yang ada dalam telur ayam kampung jauh lebih tinggi. Ini bisa dilihat dari warna kuning telurnya yang lebih berwarna dan sedikit lebih gelap. Juga kandungan vitamin D-nya yang tiga sampai enam kali lebih banyak dari telur ayam ras.

Lalu apa penyebab telur ayam kampung lebih menyehatkan daripada telur ayam ras? Hal ini tidak lain karena perlakuan dan kebiasaan hidup ayam kampung yang lebih bebas daripada ayam ras yang selalu dikandangkan. Ayam kampung mendapat sinar matahari yang cukup dan selalu bergerak kemana-mana. Beda dengan ayam ras yang selalu dikandang dan tidak mendapat sinar matahari yang cukup. Makanan ayam kampung juga lebih bervariasi seperti biji-bijian, cacing, ulat, dedaunan hijau dan lain-lain.

Nah, mulai sekarang tidak ada salahnya Anda mulai beralih ke telur ayam kampung. Walaupun sedikit lebih mahal, tapi kesehatan Anda lebih terjaga dan tentunya tidak sebanding dengan nilai kesehatan yang akan Anda dapatkan.***


FarmVille Tips on Chicken Coop Mystery Eggs - Get the Best Eggs
By Kirstie Anders
FarmVille tips can help you make certain that every single time you get a mystery egg in your chicken coop, that you get one of the top five eggs. The levels are as follows, white, brown, black, gold, Cornish, Scots Grey, Rhode Island Red, and the Rainbow chicken. Now the top five sell for 64 coins each while white is a mere 8 coins, brown 16 coins and black 32 coins. As the level of mystery egg rises so too do the prizes within. FarmVille tips are, the better the egg the better the award within. The top mystery eggs can give you buildings of varied worth, decorations, varied amounts of fuel, arborists and farm hands and animals. These can not only help out with tasks on your farm as well as enhance your farm but buildings and decorations can be sold for a good price.

My FarmVille tips are to collect every mystery egg on your newsfeed that you can. Open every mystery gift and collect the chickens. I place all my chickens into the coop and as I gather them all and reach the limit of chickens I can have in my coop even after expansion, I replace a better one with a lower level. I keep my lower level chickens in a separate pen or else you could sell them. Currently the only chickens I have in my coop are the top 5. As I gain more and more of them I again replace the higher level with the lower level so that the mystery eggs are the best you can get. My aim is to have the top three chickens only.

These FarmVille tips include getting all the FarmVille ribbons for collecting and opening FarmVille mystery eggs. You can get 4 ribbons for cracked eggs, opening them and 4 ribbons for discovering eggs in your own coop, Egg-cellent discovery ribbons. Ribbons are fantastic in terms of gaining wonderful XP as well as coins and of course the satisfaction of getting all four coloured ribbons. The higher level the chicken the harder they are to get. You need to keep an eye on your neighbours who are at a high level and watch their profile pages. Make sure you always check out your newsfeed and grab them quickly because they go fast.

The Rainbow chicken is the hardest to come by. You can purchase it for 28 FV cash but unless you have access to the FarmVille Secrets Guide and therefore FV cash, this isn't always an option for most players because FV cash is hard to come by. So how do you get the Rainbow chicken and therefore Rainbow mystery eggs that give you the best prizes of all? My final FarmVille tips are play often and follow the link below.

The FarmVille Secrets guide is a very functional guide that I suggest is the FarmVille bible. It is overstuffed with mind-boggling tips and hints to guarantee a immediate climb up through the levels, as well as receiving unimaginable amounts of XP and coins and even hard to come by FV cash. I looked around at other guides and this particular one is the best of them and is up to date with the latest clues and is unremittingly being improved. It is undemanding to read and make use of which is the most excellent part. Get yourself a copy and do splendidly well in FarmVille.
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Rocket Chiken

Rocket Chiken
Solusi, Makanan Cepat saji,, enak dan Murah , pas untuk Kantong pelajar

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